Thursday 6 July 2017


We are going to show Manresa to the world presenting the most representative monuments in the city.
  1. Brainstorming: let's find out the most representative monuments students want to present through writing a list on the board.
  2. We divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. Each group choses a monument. 
  3. Each group surfs the net to get information about the chosen monument and a picture. Then they write a brief description of it.
  4. Each group sets off to videorecord the monument using Cardboard Camera app. They take a 360º picture while describing the monument using the text they prepared before. 
  5. The students create a Wix website and they upload all the materials there (text, picture and video). 
  6. Each group creates a multiple choice question about their monument.
  7. We put all the questions together to create a Google Forms and share it on the website. 
  8. All the students watch all the videos created to get information about the different monuments and be able to answer the questionnaire. 


  1. La Seu de Manresa.
  2. El Pont Vell.
  3. El Pont Nou.
  4. La Cova.
  5. Hospital de Sant Andreu.
  6. Torre de Sobrerroca.
  7. La Muralla de Manresa.
Group creation:
  1. Mònica Carrasco
  2. Isabel Vila
  3. Núria Samsó
Monuments chosen:
  1. La Seu de Manresa
  2. El Pont Vell
Written text about the monuments:
  1. The Santa Maria Basilica Collegiate of Manresa is one of the most representative examples of the Catalan Gothic and it is also a symbol and an icon of the Bages district capital.
  2. The Old Bridge is one of the characteristic elements of the monumental appearance of the town. It was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. The central part was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War, and was rebuilt between 1960 and 1962. 


(You need to download the Camera Cardboard app and watch the video through a pair of virtual reality goggles)

Questionnaire in Google Forms:

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